Warrior's Craft Four Geeks & A Witch Read Online Free Page A

Warrior's Craft Four Geeks & A Witch
Book: Warrior's Craft Four Geeks & A Witch Read Online Free
Author: Cheryl Dragon
Tags: BIN 06187-01987
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Something sinister hung in the air. Seated at a table for eight, she waited until the three people she wasn’t sleeping with left. “I do feel something bad here.”
    Elvis smiled. “A bunch of fans and plenty of geeks coming out and socializing with their icons? I’m sure there are a few stalkers in the bunch, but there’s plenty of security.”
    “It’s not for the celebrities. It’s something more. I know there’s always some bad element in a crowd this big. I just can’t shake it.” Daphne shuddered.
    “It’s probably some guys stealing credit cards. We should cancel ours when we get home and have new cards issued just to be safe.” Nolan scrolled along on his smartphone as he downed dessert.
    “Not a bad idea.” Kurt locked eyes with Daphne and shrugged.
    “It could be a ring of identity thieves. Fans of the same show tend to bond and trust each other. Plant a few ringers, and they can steal wallets, scan cards, and everything.” Daphne decided she needed to take action. “I think I should do a protection spell on us tonight.”
    “Protection? Against thieves?” Julius asked.
    “Against all evil or negative things, protect us from harm. It can’t hurt.” She looked at Elvis.
    “I’m all for it. What do we need to do?” Elvis asked.
    “I’ve got everything upstairs. Plus we’ll make it stronger using our sexual energy.” She smiled.
    “Sex and spells? I’m in!” Kurt looked at Nolan. “Did you hear anything we just said?”
    “Sure, sex and spells with protection. We’ve got a whole big box of condoms. Let’s go. Then I can do more research on this game.” Nolan looked up for a brief second.
    “Can you put that away? You need to be focused on the group and engaged with us for the magic to work,” Daphne said.
    “Sure. When we get up there, I’m all about you.” Nolan stood up.
    They didn’t wait for the speaker after dinner. Daphne wanted them all protected now. Waiting for the elevator, she watched over Nolan’s shoulder, and he was reading the game info, levels and quests. The man was into his work, and she appreciated that. Still, she trusted her instincts that he was a bit obsessed. “Aren’t there other games you should check out while you’re here? Get info on a few?”
    “She’s right. There’s never just one hot game. There are always a couple they try to float, and it’s a crap shoot which one takes off.” Julius nodded.
    “This is it. Trust me!” Nolan said.
    Daphne snatched the phone from his hand and shoved it in her purse.
    “Stop teasing, Daph!” Nolan grabbed her waist.
    The elevator opened, and she pushed him inside and all the way to the back. The other guys followed, but she focused on Nolan. “You don’t want me?”
    “Of course I do, but you’re not just a sex object.” His eyes were serious.
    She smiled. “Nice try. Men say that when they’re avoiding stuff. All that time on the computer wasn’t a game. It was me. It’s real. Real women are better than fantasy harem girls.”
    “I know, but they won’t leave me. I can’t make you stay.” Nolan looked over her head to the other guys.
    “We can pay attention to her and entice her to stay,” Elvis replied.
    Instead of waiting for more arguing, she pressed Nolan into the corner and kissed him. The sexual shift took over, and he grabbed her ass instead of her bag. Letting her tongue torment his, she ignored everyone else as they rode to the right floor. The men were serious about her, and she liked that. No doubt Nolan simply had some trust issues.
    Elvis kissed the back of her neck. “We’re here. Drag him in.”
    She shook her. “You kiss him.”
    The men kissed and moaned as they squeezed her in the middle.
    “Now let’s go have some real fun,” Julius said.
    She led them to the room, while Kurt held the door to the elevator, and Julius held the door to the room open. She let the heat of men fuel her. Pushing them on the bed, she went to the other bed and dropped her bag.
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