Unguilded Read Online Free

Book: Unguilded Read Online Free
Author: Jane Glatt
Tags: Fantasy
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some responsibility,” Banio stuttered. “That our daughter should prove to be so defiant.”
    Arabella turned her head and stared at him. “I gave her to you to raise,” she said. “So I do not share your responsibility.” She turned to the valley vista, watching the line of shadows retreat as the sun rose over the mountains. “Valerio Valendi has agreed to deal with the child. He has already sent a spell to find her.” And kill her .
    It had taken some time to convince Valerio, and she’d had to play the grieving and reluctant mother, but her years within Mage Guild had taught her how little men understood women, and how readily they believed in a mother’s love.
    Noula was another matter. After her initial distress at not being able to find the girl, she’d had the impudence to ask Arabella what she had said to her. Noula would not question her again—not if she wanted her own child to live. Because a mother’s love did exist, for some. For Noula’s son, apparently.
    She stepped back, forcing Banio to scuttle out of her way. How she longed to be out of this Gyda-forsaken villa!
    “I will see the Villa Mage Guild Primus,” she said.
    “Yes, Donna,” Banio replied. “But it is early. He may not yet be awake.”
    “Wake him!”
    “Of course,” Banio said.
    A smile curved her lips as he half-bowed. He had been so smug all those years ago, when he’d had the power to allow her to escape this villa. Now she had all the power.
    “What should I tell him you wish to discuss?”
    “Our marriage,” Arabella replied. “I want it ended.”
    “End our marriage?” Banio’s voice was a whisper.
    “Yes,” Arabella said. “With the child gone, so is the reason for our marriage.”
    “But . . .” Banio shut his mouth. He dropped his eyes to the floor, and his shoulders sagged. “I may lose my position within the guild.”
    “A position you have because of me —because of my sacrifice.”
    Banio’s eyes met hers, and she saw defiance in them.
    “You would contest me on this?” she asked softly. “Remember who I travel with. I could have you sent somewhere else.” She had hated growing up here—couldn’t leave fast enough—but there were worse places within Mage Guild. Even if he lost his current position, Banio could salvage a higher rank here than he would somewhere new—where he wasn’t known. He looked away, and she smirked.
    “I will bring the Villa Primus at once.” Banio’s gaze dropped to the floor again, and he bowed formally as Arabella swept from the room.
    She heard the front door open and close even before she’d reached the small sitting room. Valerio’s spell would take care of the girl, and with her marriage finally dissolved, she would finally sever all ties to Villa Larona.
    THE NIGHT HAD been cold, much colder than Kara expected. Nearly dawn now, the frigid wind still whipped across the valley and right through her woolen shawl. She pulled it tighter and tucked her chin into her chest.
    The road followed the winding path of the River Dag, and the rushing rumble of the water sounded dangerous in the gloom. Shadowy willow trees lined the river, their limbs swaying and swishing in the wind.
    She’d stopped once to quench her thirst, stumbling through the night to crouch at a wide bend in the river, scooping up the icy water with one hand. Her fingers never felt quite warm after that, even when tucked inside her shirt, next to her skin.
    She glanced behind her—the road was empty—there were no signs of pursuit. Lights from houses in Villa Larona dotted the mountainside and there, near the top, a light that might be her father’s house.
    She imagined her mother, beautiful and implacable, and Papa trying to hide his fury. And Noula—angry, bitter Noula—forced to keep the tea pot full and serve the woman who was taking away what little she had.
    Kara shook her head. Noula deserved it. The woman had made her feel unwanted, an outsider in her own home. And Papa had
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