The Highlander's Hope - A Contemporary Highland Romance Read Online Free

The Highlander's Hope - A Contemporary Highland Romance
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sounded like a cross between a yawn and yelp, followed b y a cock of his head as his sad brown eyes attempted to guilt Iain into doing his bidding.
    Iain ignored him and wandered to the shelf where they kept the oldest books.
    Duncan barked , and then barked again, the noise deafening when backed by the lungs tucked in that massive chest.
    “Seriously , dog?” 
    He got a rapid thwapping of tail in response.  Fully aware the pup would keep bugging him until a fire was lit, Iain quickly got one going with the knowledge he too would enjoy it.  The nights were cold this far north, even if it was only October.
    With the dog content, Iain wandered back to the bookshelf housing dozens of books dating back ages and generations.  It had been years since he last went through them, and though they were in decent shape, he tried not to handle them too often.  When he’d gone through them in the past it wasn’t with an eye for finding anything in particular.  Now, however, he’d take another look, keeping a keen eye out for any clues that might give up their mystery.
    It would l ikely lead nowhere, but Cat had his curiosity going, and if he was stuck with her snooping around, then he might as well make the most of it.  The stories he’d heard regarding the bejeweled necklace had never mentioned his family.  So why did she think his clan had been somehow involved?  He supposed it could be true—or was she looking for something else. 
    His ancestors had been loyal Jacobites.  Then again, nearly every highland clan had supported the cause of Bonnie Prince Charlie and had wanted him to take back the throne.  She had found something—but what?  And could the information be trusted?  Could she be trusted?
    Time would tell.

    Chapter Three
    Despite the impending excitement of looking for the jewels, Cat would still need a cup of coffee to wake her up.  The anticipation of what she’d find had kept her up most of the night, and she’d only managed to drift off to sleep mere hours before her wakeup call.  Her head was in a fog, and if she didn’t get some caffeine quickly, she’d fall asleep on the way to her appointment with Iain. 
    Iain .  She cursed the smile that tugged at her lips, and reminded herself just how infuriating the man had been.  Absolutely, without a doubt, the most frustrating man she’d met in a very long time.  At least he was willing to help her.  That was huge—and for that, she wouldn’t write him off as a complete jerk.
    Needing that cup of coffee and some breakfast, Cat quickly showered and got dressed, twisting her hair up and out of the way with a pretty clip, before wandering downstairs.
    “ Morning.  If ye’re looking for yer friend, he’s having a bite to eat in the dining room.”  Mrs. Gordon gave her a smile while tidying the papers behind the counter.  “It’s a buffet, so help yerself.  And if ye need anything, just let me know.”
    Cat was confused.  She thought she was meeting with Iain at his home.  “Iain’s here?”
    “ Iain?  Iain MacCraigh?  Och, no.  He was an Englishman.”  She shook her head and tapped at the computer.  “Says here his name is Dr. James Tanner.”
    Cat’s face flushed with anger, as she wondered if he’d followe d her up from Cambridge.  There was no way in hell she’d let him swoop in and find the jewels when she’d been the one to find the clues.  Cursing under her breath, she stalked into the dining room, immediately spotting him amongst the other few guests.
    “What the hell are you doing here, James?”
    He looked up from his paper, a pretty porcelain cup held daintily between his two fingers.  “Cat.  What a surprise to see you here.  Will you not join me?”
    “You’re a real bastard.  I can’t believe you actually followed me here.  Only you would stoop so low.  Not that it surprises me after you stole my find and took credit for my work.”  Did he know about the jewels?  Or did he
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