The Compendium Read Online Free

The Compendium
Book: The Compendium Read Online Free
Author: Christine Hart
Tags: BluA
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into an outdoor field. Kingston supervised the whole thing. I still don’t know what they’re doing with the plants, but they had a mutated strain of honeybee there as well–shimmering like a metallic rainbow. They were beautiful.” The image of the bees drifted back into focus. How could something so magical be malicious?
    Cole flicked the thought away with his hand. “We still don’t know what he wants with those plants. It could be some benign little side project.”
    “I don’t think so. In the warehouse vision, Tatiana looked pretty intense. I don’t think she bothers with silly little nothing projects.”
    Ilya gently removed the ID badge from my backpack. “Is this the same guy?”
    “Yeah, but he wasn’t working alone, although he seemed to be in charge. I still haven’t seen a glimpse of the other researchers.”
    “Did you see or hear anything to help us find the place, Irina?” said Ilya.
    “Not really. The mountains were pretty steep, and close to the site, compared to the mountains north of the city. But we might be able to find Riverside Pizza. Kingston had a stack of pizza boxes, like he’d been living off those pies.”
    Cole took the badge from Ilya’s hand and examined it closely while Ilya turned on my laptop.
    “I’ve never seen him. I don’t think he ever came to the Victoria office. Not while I worked there. I’d remember a dude like this,” said Cole as he peered into Kingston’s face.
    Ilya quickly found a website for Riverside Pizza House in a mountain town called Hope. Google Maps told us we could get there in an hour and a half with no traffic.
    “We should take my car this time. The Greyhound might take us to this pizza place, but if we’re lucky and Irina has another vision, we’ll need wheels to get out to a secluded grow site,” said Cole.
    “ We should take the car.” Ilya gestured with his thumb between me and him. “ You should stay here with Jonah and Faith. She’ll need your help if Jonah takes a turn for the worse.”
    My stomach sank as I looked over at Jonah’s sleeping form. Faith heard us, but she didn’t look up.
    “Are you comfortable loaning us your car?” I asked.
    “After everything that’s happened in the last couple of weeks, sharing my car seems like the smallest risk.” Cole rubbed his chin.
    “Depending on where this leads, we may have to leave it behind at some point,” said Ilya.
    “Let’s worry about that later.” I still felt like I dragged all my friends into a zero sum game. Stopping the work Ivan had started would force each of us to sacrifice far more than we could afford.
    “We’re all in this because we want to be. We know there will be sacrifices–we’ve made quite a few already. And remember, I can literally speak for everyone,” said Ilya. Cole nodded his approval.
    “Will you get the hell out of my head already?” Heat filled my face.
    Cole tossed his car keys to Ilya and I stole one more glance at Jonah. Faith’s focus on him didn’t waver, while I felt Cole’s dark brown eyes on me. And Ilya could hear every angst-ridden thought. We had to focus on Ivan’s legacy and Innoviro. I also knew this was all going to get worse before it got better.
    Vancouver’s mid-day traffic slowed our progress to a crawl, but I refused to make small talk with Ilya. In spite of my power to see through time and space, I would never have his gift for reading minds. It probably wasn’t the best gift to have. Some thoughts nobody wants to hear.
    I still wanted to know where I stood with my friends, and with the man I’d started to love. I stared out the window as Ilya drove. We cruised in silence until the roller coasters of the Pacific National Exhibition popped out of the cityscape on our left.
    “Would it make you feel better if I told you something embarrassing and personal about myself?” Ilya kept his eyes on the road ahead.
    My head snapped in his direction. I could feel the glare on my face.
    “When you’re this
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