Ellen adored the boys and was great with them on the few occasions she'd been to my friend's house.
I shook my head in amazement. "How can she refuse to help children, especially sick ones? I don't get it. Come by the shop tomorrow, and I'll give you a check."
Ellen's eyes widened. "Look, Sal, I didn't mean to imply anything."
"You didn't. I want to help. Please."
Gianna stood and wrapped her arms around me in a warm bear hug. "You put that rich snob to shame with your generosity."
I hugged her back, embarrassed, and tried to change the subject. "We should have invited Amanda to join us tonight. Oh, wait, I left my poison back at the shop."
Everyone giggled.
Gianna slung her purse over her shoulder. "I've got to get back to my studies. Will we see you tomorrow night for dinner?"
I took a long sip from my bottle. My sister seemed slightly out of focus. Maybe I needed glasses? "I'll be there. Drive safe, and stop worrying about the silly test. You've got it in the bag, girl. I'm so proud of you."
"Love you, Sal." Gianna grinned and waved to Josie and Ellen. "Later, chickies." She headed for the exit.
"Bye, kiddo." Josie winked.
A biker sitting on a bar stool spotted Gianna leaving and ran to hold the door open for her. He was rewarded with a sparkling smile.
Josie shook her head. "Your sister sure knows how to attract the opposite sex. If I didn't love her so much, I'd hate her."
I raised my bottle in the air with a flourish. "To my beautiful baby sister. She's going to make one heck of a lawyer." The room started to spin, and I shut my eyes for a second.
My best friend frowned. "You can't be drunk yet. There's no way."
I suppressed a laugh. "I'm feeling pretty good."
Josie leaned toward Ellen. "She's such a lightweight."
"Puh-leeze." I raised my bottle in the air again. "Another toast. To my new life." I clinked my bottle with their beverages and then downed the rest of my beer in a flash.
"I will definitely drink to that." Josie grinned. "And how good it is to have you back."
"And to the most fabulous cookie designer in the world. My dearest friend Joshie. Er-Josie." I was having difficulty locating my tongue.
She sighed and pushed her beer aside. "Looks like I just became designated driver."
I reached for another beer and snorted, unladylike, into the bottle. "Hey, I should go play some pool and see if I can pick up a biker or two. Maybe I'll take both home with me."
I expected Josie to crack up, but she remained silent, fixated on something behind me. I whirled around too quickly and slid off my lacquered chair onto the floor. Everyone seemed to stop what they were doing to gawk. Embarrassed, I tried to stand. A pair of strong, muscular arms lifted me in a single swoop. Confused, I found myself looking directly into a pair of midnight-blue eyes I would have known anywhere. They belonged to my ex-boyfriend Mike Donovan.
He gazed at me, a playful smile on his lips. "Nice move."
Annoyed, I pushed his hands away and stumbled back into my chair. "Yes, nice to see you too." I touched the back of my head gingerly.
"Are you all right?" Josie asked, concern in her eyes.
"I'll be fine." I hoped I sounded more convincing than I felt. Seeing Mike had sobered me up in a hurry.
He stood there, hands in his jeans pockets, eyes wandering over me. My breath caught in my throat. What does he want?
He nodded to Josie and Ellen. "Ladies."
"How's it going, Mike?" Josie asked.
He grinned at her. "Hey, Mrs. Sullivan. How's the new baby? What's that make, a dozen now?"
She smirked. "Wiseass. No, number four."
They all seemed to be waiting for me to add something to the conversation, but I continued to sit there in silence. I didn't know what to say or how to react. My stomach twisted into a giant pretzel as I looked at him.
Josie cleared her throat. "Would you like to join us?"
"No, thanks." Mike's eyes searched mine.
Ellen spoke up. "Um, I've got to be going. Early day at the hospital tomorrow. I'll see you guys