Stanley, Gale - Spitfire [Southwest Shifter 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Read Online Free Page A

Stanley, Gale - Spitfire [Southwest Shifter 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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living in Pennsylvania as well, but surely the Alpha didn’t believe Kweo wanted them all to interbreed. “I don’t—”
    Alex held up a hand. “Hear me out.” He paused. “If there were more of our people, we might all find Lycan mates, but with so few of us left, the answer to our survival may be to merge and mate with trusted humans.”
    Un-fucking-believable! After all the years of proclaiming he would never entertain mixing of the species, he’d done a one-eighty.
    “So you see, you have other options. I hope you’ll choose a Lycan mate, but I won’t object if you choose a human.”
    “I don’t want a mate, Lycan or human. I want a life, a home, and a job in a place of my choosing.” Leaving might be a drastic solution, but she refused to trade her independence for comfort and safety.
    “What can I say to convince you it’s not a good idea?”
    “Nothing. You’re giving our people the freedom to mix with the humans, and that’s exactly what I want. My freedom to live among them. ”
    “Freedom is a mixed blessing. Not all humans are your friends, and they can be dangerously cunning. They have drugs and traps you know nothing about.” He shook his head, and then his features softened. “I understand. I really do. You’ve been insulated by the pack all your life, and you want a chance to try your wings, but it’s impossible.”
    Sudden anger gave Ayala a bit of courage. “With all due respect, Alpha, I’m a grown woman, and you can’t stop me. I intend to go with or without your permission.”
    The only sign of the Alpha’s anger was the slight flare of his nostrils. “Don’t do anything so rash, Ayala. Give me some time to think about this, and then we’ll talk again.”

    * * * *

    Dr. Roy Granger stood by the window watching the doctors, patients, and visitors running for cover from the sudden downpour. People were using whatever they had on hand to protect themselves from the deluge. He would never understand humans. Why did they immediately resort to using handbags, newspapers, and briefcases as umbrellas? Some even had their shirts or lab coats pulled up to cover their heads. None of it seemed to be helping. Despite the name of the popular TV show, it wasn’t always sunny in Philadelphia. Humans should be more adaptable—like wolves. They were probably too worried about their hairstyles.
    “Your phone messages and the mail are on your desk…”
    The forceful drumming on the glass made it difficult to hear his administrative assistant , not that he was paying much attention anyway. He turned away from the gray, washed-out scene and faced her. “Thanks, Lucy. You’ve done enough. It’s Saturday. Go home.”
    “I don’t mind staying if you need me, Roy.” The tone of her voice implied she was offering more than her secretarial skills.
    “No. I’ll be tied up all day. I have a lot of data to analyze. You go on and enjoy the rest of your weekend.” Lucy’s disappointment was obvious. The woman was becoming tiresome. He was beginning to wonder why he’d hooked up with the redheaded bitch in the first place, aside from the obvious—big boobs and a mouth made for sucking cock. It didn’t seem worth it anymore.
    “I can bring you dinner later.”
    Suddenly he felt the vibration of the cell phone in the pocket of his lab coat. Only one person had the number, his Alpha, and he wanted privacy when he spoke to Alex. “I won’t have time for dinner.” A few blow jobs and some sack-time and these human females thought they owned you. Roy made a mental note to put some distance between them. Much as he hated the thought of bringing a stranger into his office, if Lucy insisted on stalking him, he’d have to fire her. “I’ll see you on Monday.” He watched the sway of her ass as she sashayed out the door. Too bad, I’ll definitely miss that body.
    Alex had already disconnected. Roy headed for his private research lab in the subbasement, intending to call him back from there. He
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