Sixteen Going on Undead Read Online Free Page B

Sixteen Going on Undead
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I’m ashamed to admit, I got Ronnie to read it and do a report for both of us. I paid him back later by doing his trig homework. It was only fair.
    I licked my lips again, and Lorcan focused on them. Now he was less than an inch away. I could feel his breath on my face. I put my hands up to shove at him, but just like that night in the yard, it was like I was pushing a wall. I’d felt hard muscle before. Ronnie’s older brother liked showing off his biceps, and one time he had let me squeeze them. They were hard, but they were still flesh.
    Lorcan was different. When I pushed at his chest, it was shaped like a boy who had been lifting weights, but it wasn’t like regular flesh. He was hard beneath the surface of his skin, like his internal makeup was all stone. Rock solid. If he was stabbed, would the knife even penetrate his body? I doubted it.
    “I have to get back to work,” I told him in a shaky voice.
    “Are you scared of me?”
    “Hell no!”
    He chuckled.
    “Y-You’re just a bad boy. I’ve never been into bad boys. I don’t see the appeal.” I shrugged. “So why don’t you go back to Skan—uh, I mean your girlfriend, and we’ll forget this ever happened.”
    He pouted and put a hand up beside my head. “Aw, but nothing has happened yet. I thought I’d get one little kiss.”
    “A kiss?” I squeaked.
    My first kiss? My mind was yelling yes, yes, yes, but this was crazy. I wasn’t the type to be the other woman. Hell, I wasn’t the type to be anyone’s woman evidently. I should tell him no and run away. I should try that trick Ronnie had taught me a couple months ago, which I’d used on him when I was mad, and he told me he hated me, while he was curled up on the floor. I don’t know why Ronnie put up with me. I really don’t.
    I had come to the decision to use the move and brought my knee up, but Lorcan anticipated it. He tightened his legs so my knee hit his thigh. The ache was not funny. He moved in closer. I backed up, but there was nowhere else to go.
    “If you let me kiss you, I’ll go.” He held up a finger. “One kiss.”
    I pretended I was real brave and sneered up at him, lifting my chin. “I don’t kiss vampires.”
    “Would you stop with the undead nonsense?” He shrugged. “I’m a regular teen. I just moved around here, and will probably go to your school in the fall.”
    “What school is that?”
    He seemed to draw a blank.
    “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” The spell or whatever he had over me was broken with his loss of concentration. I ducked down to dip under his arm, but he caught me and jerked me around to face him. Fear snaked over my body. When I looked into his eyes again, they had changed, just like that first night. All the white had disappeared, and they were black as ink.
    His breath was shallow, and his big chest brushed my boobs. I was scared out of my head and excited at the same time. Where was Ronnie to help me this time? Where was anybody?
    Lorcan lowered his head and sniffed along the pulsing vein in my neck. He groaned. I gripped his arms to try to push him away, but I couldn’t make myself do it.
    “I can’t help myself around you,” he whispered. “What is it? What’s in your veins that draws me?”
    “I-I don’t know.”
    He pressed tighter to me. Oh crap, I was going to be in so much trouble. The next thing I knew, he had covered my mouth with his. My first real kiss. I don’t know what I had expected—sweetness, innocence with a few bumped faces and noses getting tangled up. You know, like in the movies when a girl gets her first one with a boy who’s getting his first too. But this wasn’t that. No way was this that amateur hour.
    Lorcan put a hand on my neck and tilted my head back. He stared into my eyes with such intensity, I was shaking. He looked hungry like he wanted to eat me, but some kind of way, it wasn’t a bad thing. He
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