Reed, Erika - Something Worth Waiting For (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Read Online Free Page A

Reed, Erika - Something Worth Waiting For (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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were the perfect couple in my eyes. I wanted to have a husband like hers. There was some sort of affection between those two. I can’t imagine my spouse, who I’ve spent all my life with me, dying and leaving me to live life without them.” Jenna had a silent tear roll down her cheek and Tyler wiped it away with his thumb.
    “We would give anything to have a relationship like your parents. They were our role models. Your parents were so fun and friendly to everyone. They were constantly hugging and kissing one another in front of people. When we get married, we want people to know how much we love and adore our wife, too.”

    * * * *

    Jenna knew what they said was true. She could tell they meant it.
    “There’s something we want to show you,” Nick and Tyler said as they walked her down to their private dock. They were walking toward a boat she assumed was theirs.
    As she came closer she noticed the name on the back, Sweet Jenna . Dear Lord, they even named the boat after her. All she could say was, “Why?”
    “What else would we call something we are quite fond of?” Tyler smirked.
    She had always been a sucker for his boyish charm, but they were definitely not boys anymore judging by the rather large bulges in their jeans. She had to maintain control of her body, or else this was going to be a rougher week than she anticipated.
    “I need to get home now. It’s getting late. My mother will worry if she wakes and I’m not home.”
    “You used to say the same thing when you were seventeen and you snuck out while they were sleeping.”
    “Do you remember the time they actually caught you coming home one morning?”
    “Yes, Mom caught me coming back into my room one night and wanted to know what boy I was sneaking out to see. When I told her I was with you both, she just smiled and said, ‘Get to bed before your dad wakes up.’ My mom did always like you two. She never questioned anything we did or when we would be home. I think she knew I was in good hands and you would make sure I was safe.”
    Nick put his arm around her shoulder and said, “We love you, Jenna, you were always ours to care for. We knew from an early age we wanted to take care of you and to protect you. It wasn’t until our teenage years that we started to fall in love with you.”
    “Baby, we love you, and when we built this house, we had you in mind when we did it.”
    Jenna had tears in her eyes. She couldn’t believe what they were telling her. This is her house. They built it for her intending on them all living here like a happy family? What they didn’t know is that she couldn’t have children. The doctor had told her because of the complications she had during her miscarriage there was a ninety percent chance she would never be able to have children.
    Jenna felt her body would reject their sperm. She couldn’t tell them the truth. She had told her mom about the pregnancy. Her mother was the only one who knew the truth behind her and Jeff getting married so quickly. They were going to wait until her third trimester before telling people she was pregnant. She had a miscarriage right after her first trimester. Jenna pulled away from Jeff. About four months after her miscarriage, she asked Jeff for a divorce. They both agreed it was for the best.
    If Nick and Tyler ever found out that she couldn’t have children with them, they would probably want nothing to do with her. That was why she needed to leave and go back home before all her secrets came out.
    “I don’t understand. You built this home for us…for me, thinking…hoping I’d come home one day to live in it so we could be a family?”
    “Yes!” the both said simultaneously.
    Nick brought her face up to his and hugged her body against his before he kissed her passionately. Before she knew it, she heard Tyler groan next to her and pull her away to give her one of his own heart-pounding kisses. She slowly opened her eyes to see that they were both staring at her. She
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