Mega 3: When Giants Collide (Mega Series) Read Online Free

Mega 3: When Giants Collide (Mega Series)
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hard shots to his left kidney, and then sent the other one down by stomping on the back of his right foot, snapping his Achilles’ tendon in half.
    Men, huge men, used to cracking open coconuts with their bare hands, lay on the ground in various forms of agony. Some cried out for help as they clutched broken limbs, while others just moaned and rocked themselves, gripped by a crushing disbelief that they were taken down by a woman and now lying in their own piss and blood.
    “Last one, sexy killer,” Max said as he pointed to the mountain of a man that started it all. “You gonna beat that apology out of him or has he had enough?”
    The mountain man, Levi, lay on the ground, his hands protecting the shattered remains of his kneecaps. He looked up at Darby with pain and fear filled eyes as she stood over him.
    “Sorry, lady,” Levi said. “I’m so fucking sorry. I shouldn’t have hassled you.”
    “Or my boyfriend,” Darby said.
    “Right, or your boyfriend,” Levi agreed. “I was being rude.”
    “Dang skippy,” Max said as he stood up and walked over by Darby. “Now, let this be a lesson to you, young man. You don’t say bad things to people you don’t know because sometimes they are highly trained killing machines that have an OCD need to beat the shit out of rude fucks like you. Understood?”
    “Yeah, bra,” Levi nodded, tears streaming down his cheeks, “understood.”
    An open top Jeep without a roll cage came skidding to a stop in the gravel and sand a few feet from the aftermath of the fight.
    “Hey, it’s Shane,” Max said as he waved. “Dude! You totally missed it! Darby like fucking crushed these assholes!”
    “Those assholes are my family, you stupid…” Linny yelled then stopped as she saw the state her brothers and cousins were in. “Oka… what did you do?”
    Max looked from Linny to the broken men that lay in the sand outside the bar.
    “Oh, shit,” he said. “Family?”
    “Family, dude,” Shane responded, “brothers and cousins.”
    “Oh...huh,” Max nodded then looked at Linny. “Hey, totally sorry about this. That one there said some shitty things to Darby and then it all went downhill pretty fast.”
    “You did all this?” Linny asked Darby.
    “All he needed to do was apologize,” Darby said as she looked up at the woman that was nearly a foot taller than she was. “I gave them more than a few chances.”
    “She did,” Max nodded. “I gave them chances too. They just kept being dicks.”
    “Oh, I’m sure you did everything in your power to diffuse the situation,” Shane scowled.
    “ Diffuse the situation ? ” Max asked. “What strange words you say, brother. Methinks the Samoan woman has you under her witchcraft.”
    “You’re the last one to talk about being under a woman’s witchcraft,” Shane said.
    “Ain’t gonna argue with you there, dude,” Max smiled as he took a hit from his joint and handed it to Shane.
    Despite the carnage before him, Shane didn’t hesitate to take the joint and suck it all the way down.
    “Thanks,” Shane said as he dropped the roach and crushed it under his flip flop. “Now, how the fuck are you going to make this right?”
    “Me?” Max asked.
    “You and Darby,” Shane said. “Look at them. This island only has around 200 people on it and you just broke like half of them.”
    “There are only six there,” Darby said, “and they’ll heal.”
    “How?” Linny snapped. “This is Olosega, not Ofu. There’s no clinic on this island, and the one across the straight is total shit. They are going to have to be taken to Faleasao or even to Pago Pago to get the care they need. You have any idea how much that is going to cost?”
    Linny threw up her hands and turned in a circle.
    “Why does this shit happen to me?” she yelled. “Why do I get mixed up with these assholes?”
    “Lin, come on,” Shane said, “we’ll make it right.”
    “Why?” Darby asked. “They started it and I finished it. They should
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