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Leading the Way
Book: Leading the Way Read Online Free
Author: Marsha Hubler
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a gazebo resting near the pavilion, and she studied the intricate designs cut into the fancy wood. She looked up, feasting on the brilliant blue sky, absorbing the entire scene.
    “Will you look at that cool sky?” Skye caught herself the second the words slipped from her mouth. “Oh, Katie, I’m sorry.”
    “No problem,” Katie said, letting out a long sigh. “I get that all the time. People will say, ‘Oh, look at that’ or ‘Can’t you see that,’ but of course, I can’t. I’m almost used to it. And I do remember what blue looks like. The best skies are the ones with big, puffy white clouds. One of my favoritist things to do was lie in the yard at home and look for dragons and—”
    A long pause preceded Skye’s attempt to speak. “Katie…”
    With a frown on her face, Katie sat still, her pudgy body humped over like an old woman.
    “Hey, is there any chance you might ever get your sight back?” Skye’s excitement was obvious in her voice. “I mean, they do all kinds of neat operations to help people see.”
    “My mom’s had me all over the place to find out. We’ve seen zillions of specialists. They all say there’s really nothing wrong with my eyes.”
    Skye frowned, deep in thought. “There’s nothing wrong with your eyes? Then what’s making you blind?”
    “The damage was done to my brain. One doctor said that if he could perfect a certain kind of surgery on that part of the brain, there might be a slim chance that I could see again. I live for that day. But Mom keeps telling me not to get my hopes up. Well, she’s not blind!”
    “God could perform a miracle,” Skye said.
    “Miracle? What miracle?” Mrs. Chambers asked from behind.
    Morgan followed, carrying the picnic supplies on her lap.
    “To give Katie her sight back,” Skye said. “Jesus did it when he was here on earth. Why couldn’t he do it for Katie?”
    Straightening her back, Katie turned toward the voices.
    “Well,” Mrs. Chambers said, placing the basket on the table, “that’s something we can all pray about. In the meantime, let’s enjoy God’s creation and the food he’s given us. And while we’re on that subject, right now we should pray for our meal.”
    Morgan maneuvered her wheelchair to the end of the table and laughed. “Mrs. C., are you sure we should pray about this meal, especially since we’re going to indulge in all those luscious desserts? We’ll probably each gain five pounds just looking at them. That sounds sort of sinful to me.”
    Everyone laughed.
    “Who cares if we gain five or ten pounds? I sure don’t!” Katie declared. “Bring ‘em on!”

Chapter four
    I t was Monday morning at Keystone Stables and time for riding lessons! By nine o’clock the hot June sun had already posted its warning for another scorcher of a day.
    Skye and Katie rested their arms over the top rail of the small riding corral. Katie was devouring a candy bar. Next to the barn, Mr. Chambers and Morgan were showing Joey and Leonard, wearing helmets, how to saddle and bridle their horses. In the corral, a young man, looking sharp in western attire including a black Stetson, led a brown horse. Sam, also wearing a helmet, sat in the saddle and held on for dear life. As the young man walked the team in a circle, Skye’s heart went with him.
    Chad, you are so sweet. Skye’s whole being smiled.
    “What’s goin’ on now?” Katie asked, finishing her candy. “If everyone’s too busy, I can just wait. I don’t need to do this today.”
    “Like Mom and Dad said earlier, Katie, today you should take your first ride,” Skye insisted. “So I guess you do need to do this today. And it will be your turn as soon as Chad’s done giving Sam his first lesson.”
    “This is so dumb,” Katie snapped, then changed her tone. “Who’s Chad?”
    “The sweetest boy this side of heaven,” Skye whispered. “He’s fifteen and in our youth group and blond and super cute!”
    “He’s your boyfriend?”
    “Nah. Mom
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