Kill Switch: A Vigilante Serial Killer Action Thriller (Angel of Darkness Suspense Thriller Series Book 1) Read Online Free

Kill Switch: A Vigilante Serial Killer Action Thriller (Angel of Darkness Suspense Thriller Series Book 1)
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with her other hand.
    She spun around.
    Bent forward.
    Flipped him over her hip.
    Splattered him into the sidewalk.
    Still holding his arm, Tess immobilized it in a figure-four armlock, then levered it that little bit further, bending what should never bend.
    Hoodie cried out as his elbow cracked loudly.
    Tess glared at the pudgy guy, the last of the four targets standing.
    Backing off, he held up his open hands and spouted Polish.
    Tess couldn’t understand a word, but she understood the waver in his voice.
    She took two bounds toward him, then stopped and watched him hightail it into the blackness.
    She turned and glared at the three men she’d put on the ground. Warily, they each clambered to their feet, cradling their injuries.
    Without saying a word, she strolled towards them.
    They backed away. Not one able to fight.
    With a nod of her head Tess motioned toward the archway back to the Old Town.
    As quickly as they could, they lurched away, regularly glancing back to check where she was.
    No, Tess hadn’t been looking for trouble tonight. However, she hadn’t exactly gone out of her way to avoid it. And it wasn’t like she’d killed anyone. A few months of hospital treatment and they’d all be fine. Meanwhile, the streets would be a little safer. Plus, now that these goons knew what could be lurking in the shadows watching them, hunting innocent people for kicks might lose some of its appeal.
    Tess turned to the couple who’d been ambushed.
    Sitting on the ground, the boyfriend stared at her openmouthed, holding the side of his face where he’d been hit. His girlfriend clung to him, her fingers clawed into his shirt. They both flinched as Tess stepped toward them.
    Finally, Tess spoke. “Are you two okay?”
    The boyfriend stared. “Huh? Er… er… yeah. Er, thank you.”
    “You’re welcome.” Tess reached down a hand to him.
    He looked warily into her eyes, as if not knowing whether he was going to be pulled to safety or have his shoulder wrenched out of its socket. After a second, he clasped her hand and she hauled him up.
    She said, “You haven’t heard about the gangs targeting English speakers who have Polish girlfriends?”
    He shook his head, looking at her blankly. “We’ve only been in Krakow a couple of days.”
    “When are you leaving?”
    “Tomorrow. After we’ve visited Auschwitz.”
    “That’s probably wise. There are more of those assholes around.”
    “Hey, and don’t go wasting your money booking a special tour to Auschwitz. It’ll cost you five times more than just getting a local bus yourself.”
    “You’ve been?”
    “No. Actually, I was planning on going tomorrow too. Can you make it back to your hotel okay?”
    He pointed to the street on the other side of the Barbican. “It’s only a minute or two.”
    “Good. But be careful.”
    “Yeah. And thanks again.”
    Tess watched them totter down the path, then turned to leave.
    She shivered, though it was a warm evening. The fight was over, but something didn’t feel quite right. A tingling sensation all but ate away her spine, the way it always did whenever something was wrong but she couldn’t put her finger on it. Was someone watching her?
    She heard a rustle behind her.
    She spun.
    Pulled her fists up.
    Scoured the shadows.
    Nothing but blackness stared back at her.
    Squinting to catch the tiniest of movements, Tess surveyed the clawing darkness.
    Strange. Her instincts were rarely wrong.
    She prowled along the path.
    But the hair bristled on the back of her neck.
    She stopped.
    Peered into the shadows again.
    This wasn’t over. There was something wrong here. But what was it?

Chapter 03
    Auschwitz. The name conjured all manner of nightmarish visions, yet few lived up to the real horrors unveiled to its visitors.
    The spring sun blazed outside, but a deathly chill crawled up Tess’s spine. Alone, she stood in the center of the room, enclosed by nothing but grungy concrete walls, a
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