IMPACT: A Secret Baby Sports Romance Read Online Free Page A

IMPACT: A Secret Baby Sports Romance
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    My dog finally deigned to look at me. He cocked his head, like this was all very confusing.
    "Oh, whatever. Just because I'm the human doesn't mean I have to be in charge all of the time, does it?"
    "Uff," barked Romeo, and I swear he sounded sarcastic.
    The buzzer sounded again. I looked down at my yoga pants with the hole in the ass, and then out at my dust and dog hair covered living room.
    "Well fuck it," I declared, "I am who I am."
    Then I went to the door and opened to greet my irritated looking mother.
    "Hey Mom," I sighed.
    She stood in the hallway and crossed her arms. "You forgot, didn't you?" she accused.
    My mother was the one who had come up with this idea. "I moved back to Chicago so we could see each other!" she had huffed to me one Saturday morning, months ago.
    "I know," I had squeaked. I was a touch distracted at the time, trying to pretend that I was having a proper, sit-down conversation with my mother - when I was actually lying naked in my bed while Bradley Scott was in the process of nibbling his way up my naked thigh. I was ready to say anything to get her off the phone before he reached my pussy.
    "Well, then let's make a point to see each other," she went on, ever practical. "Once a month. That's all I ask. Brunch and a chat, is that so hard? We can even alternate locations. Your place, then mine."
    "Sure Mom. Sounds great!" I had to get off the phone pretty quickly once he started sucking on my clit.
    So monthly Mom-brunches became a regular thing. And actually, it was pretty nice spending time with her. My mom was young, only just entering her mid-forties, and she'd long ago given up on being embarrassed by her only child. In fact, I think she regarded me as a cheap form of entertainment. Better than cable.
    And I found I enjoyed one-on-one time with her. Growing up - and right into my adulthood - she had been distracted by the series of unreliable boyfriends that paraded in and out of our house like it had a revolving door.
    She'd moved to Tucson with the last one, but when that relationship went down the toilet, she seemed honestly relieved to move back to Chicago - both to escape him and the heat - and be part of my life again.
    My father, the serial monogamist that he was, had long since moved away, leaving me only my last name and my ability to spend hours in the sun without getting burned as his legacy. She and I were both fine with that. Neither of us needed him in any real sense. Neither of us needed men at all.
    We'd spent the last three visits in my mother's brand new, and scrupulously clean, condo overlooking Lakeshore Drive. And I was getting quite used to that arrangement. I had totally forgotten that today was my turn to play hostess.
    What could I say? Lying to my mother was completely useless. She knew all of my tricks because she was the one that taught them to me.
    "Yup. I completely forgot, Mom. Sorry. But come on in anyway." I stepped aside and welcomed her into my filthy apartment with a grand sweep of my arm.
    My mother shot me an irritated look, which dissolved the second Romeo came bounding up to greet her. "Oh my goodness, there's my grand-dog! Who's a good boy? You're a good boy, yes you are!"
    "Coffee? I can start another pot," I offered.
    "Is that even a question?" My mother backed herself into the living room, still bent over and cooing at Romeo. He executed a series of half-jumps, knowing he wasn't allowed to knock her over but too happy not to try.
    "Sorry. Of course you want a cup. I'm not fully awake yet. I know better," I yawned. My mother drank black coffee the whole day long and never seemed to get jittery. I think her entire personality was based on a steady stream of caffeine because the woman was tireless. I brewed another pot on autopilot and poured out a fresh cup into my one, unchipped mug. It was, ironically enough, one she had given me herself.
    My mother nearly lunged off the couch to take it from me. "Thank you, honey," she said, and
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