Blackmail Read Online Free

Book: Blackmail Read Online Free
Author: A.L. Simpson
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called a halt to the evening. Kylie walked Avery home, ensured all was fine and then called a cab to take her home.

Chapter Three
    Avery's hand trembled as she handed over the keys to her much loved apartment. The three month's rent her parents had paid before they died had been used and she was now forced to vacate. She had only a suitcase of clothing and a few personal items which the lawyers had allowed her to keep. She had surrendered her car, under protest, when demanded. Although it had been a gift, the papers were in her father’s name. It was now held as part of the estate.
    Why the fuck didn't mother and daddy have a will? This was the question she had asked herself over and over again.
    Avery had been warned it could take a year or more before investigations were completed and the proceeds of her parents' estate released. She would then be comfortable but for now, she had a flat she wouldn't put her worst enemy in, no car and next to no money.
    At least she had been able to organize a decent funeral for them both. The lawyers had no hesitation in releasing funds for that – thank God. She had feared her beloved parents were to be buried at taxpayer's expense, in an unmarked grave and in some obscure corner of a graveyard.
    Officer Montrose had proven to be a godsend. She had held her when she cried, helped organize the burials and forced her to go out so she would eat. She had yelled, stomped her feet and even asked her partner, Glenda to try talking to Avery when she saw the apartment the distraught girl planned to live in. Glenda cajoled, pleaded and swore when Avery refused to move in with them. She stood firm, she would not be a burden to the girls and would live, or die, her own way.
    Avery couldn't begin to tell Kylie how grateful she was for her support. Words didn't seem enough. She would love the officer as a friend to the end of her days.
    She knew the deposit check she had written for the flat would be returned but it would give her some time to work out what to do next. Every cent she had saved was in bank accounts managed by her father and in his name. They had been deemed to be part of the estate and frozen. No amount of pleading had worked to get them released.
    The only money she would receive in the foreseeable future would come from her job as a PA and her job at the club. She wasn’t due to be paid for almost a month.
    The Agent's voice startled her back to the present. “I'm so sorry about your parents and everything else, Avery. I wish I could let you keep the apartment until the will is sorted but the owner is a greedy bastard and won't hear of it. I even tried to get the lawyers to at least let you stay at your parents’ house until the estate is settled, but they refused.”
    “It's okay Mr. Groen. I can't afford the apartment anyway. Maybe when I am awarded the estate and sell the house, I'll come and see you about another one which is similar.” She kissed the elderly man's cheek. “Don't worry, I'll be fine. Thank you for everything.”
    She headed for the part of town where the new flat awaited her. A generous way to describe the area was 'unsafe and seedy'.
    Avery’s eyes opened and for a moment she didn’t know where she was. The warm fuzzy feeling was gone and she was staring at dingy walls with blistered, peeling paint work.
    Present Day
    Tegan raced down the hallway toward the safety of the dressing room. She was naked, her dance lingerie clutched against her slight frame.
    She threw the door open, Marty was waiting. A deadly expression marred his otherwise handsome face.
    The terrified girl dropped her clothing and darted toward the rear door of the club. Crashing through, she raced for the nearest house as fast as she could. It was no use. Before she had taken more than a few strides, Marty was upon her. He grabbed her from behind, lifting her into the air and holding her close against his body. She didn't have an opportunity to scream, not that anyone would have
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