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Black City
Book: Black City Read Online Free
Author: Christina Henry
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Fantasy, Contemporary
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that meant Nathaniel was outnumbered. A couple of weeks earlier all of the werewolf cubs of Jude’s pack had been kidnapped and their memories stolen as part of a plot of Azazel’s. Even though Jude thought Chloe was weird and unpredictable, he’d felt indebted to her since she’d found a way to restore the werewolf cubs’ memories.
    “You can stay here if you prefer,” Jude sneered, the implications of Nathaniel’s cowardice clear.
    Nathaniel’s jaw tightened. “As if I would leave Madeline’s safety to you.”
    I could have pointed out that “Madeline’s safety” wasnot reliant on either of them, as I had saved my own self plenty of times, but I did not want to get embroiled in another of the stupid arguments that went around our group with annoying regularity. So I just said, “Let’s go,” and we did.
    Nathaniel carried me, and Samiel carried Jude in wolf form. Beezle, surprisingly, had opted to stay home.
    “I need a nap,” he said.
    I suspected that what he really wanted was time to brood over what he thought were negative changes in my personality, so I let him stay. I didn’t want to argue with Beezle about every decision I made.
    Nathaniel hid all of us under a veil. I knew how to do this, but it was difficult for me to hold such a delicate spell over four people for a prolonged period of time. And Nathaniel had pointed out that secrecy was vital now that we’d been exposed on television.
    As we flew above the city I could see the streets below were jammed with fleeing citizens. People tossed hastily packed suitcases into cars, collected their offspring from schools and hightailed it out of town. It looked like a scene from an end-of-the-world movie.
    Lake Shore Drive was bumper to bumper, cars and buses moving only by centimeters. Several hundred people who either lacked personal transportation or decided to abandon their cars streamed in crowds up the bike path that ran along the lakefront. Everyone was heading north. No one wanted to go through the Loop, even if you could stay outside the barricaded edges.
    The mass panic, the sheer numbers of vampires…The problem seemed overwhelming for one ex-Agent of death and her merry band of misfits.
    “Where the hell is Lucifer?” I asked. “He could do something about this.”
    “He could,” Nathaniel agreed. “If it suited him to do so.”
    “If he could find some personal advantage, you mean,” I said bitterly. “He won’t intervene unless the deck is stacked in his favor.”
    “You must stop attributing Lucifer with humanity,” Nathaniel said. “He is not human. He is not even a mere angel. He is more powerful than any of us can comprehend, and the problems of humans are small things to him.”
    “Yeah, that’s what everyone keeps saying. But he’s scared of Puck,” I said thoughtfully.
    “The faerie who assisted you in Titania and Oberon’s court? The one who came into the house through the jewel?” Nathaniel asked, surprise evident in his voice.
    “He’s no faerie. I don’t know what he is, but he definitely isn’t a faerie.”
    “Whatever he is, I don’t think you should embroil yourself any further into matters of the faerie court.”
    “I haven’t ‘embroiled’ myself in anything,” I said. “The faeries are the ones who came looking for me.”
    Nathaniel acknowledged this with a nod. “Still, curiosity about Puck’s origins is probably not wise.”
    “I know what happened to the cat,” I said.
    “What cat?” Nathaniel asked.
    “You know, curiosity killed the…Never mind. Anyway, I’ve got a feeling Puck’s not going to leave me alone.”
    Nathaniel shook his head. “What is it about you, Madeline? I have never met another creature with such a knack for attracting trouble.”
    “When I figure it out, I’ll let you know,” I said. “I’m really starting to see the attraction of a quiet life.”
    “You will never have a quiet life,” Nathaniel said. “Even if all your other troubles magically
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