After the Fall (Broken Angel #2) Read Online Free

After the Fall (Broken Angel #2)
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assignment be overseen by you. Besides, you have your own assignment to attend to on Earth.” Her voice was firm as she eyed him carefully. She must have seen something on his face because her face softened. It was the same look she’d given him after his fight with Lash. “Did the time away not help you to prepare?”
    “Gabrielle, can’t you make an exception? I’ve always done my duty, and I’ve never questioned you or Michael for any of the assignments you two have given me...even when you asked me to strike down my best friend.”
    “It is because of your loyal service all these years that you have risen through the ranks to become an archangel,” she pointed out. “You know that with this role comes greater responsibility. If Lash had been as obedient as you...well, never mind that. He’s hopeless.”
    “Why do you hate him?”
    Gabrielle arched an eyebrow. “I am merely stating what is true. Have his past behaviors not proven that?”
    Jeremy shook his head. He couldn’t understand the animosity she had towards Lash. He’d thought once Lash had finally proven himself that she’d be more lenient with him. He’d returned only to find that she was exactly the same as when he left.
    “If you’re worried about Lash, I assure you, there won’t be any interference from him. I’ll see to that.”
    “Worried? You could say that. When he finds out that I’m the one to be paired with the love his life on her first assignment, Hell—”
    She glared at his choice of words.
    “Uh, what I mean is”—he cleared his throat—“you know, he’s not the most reasonable of angels. And we did leave things hanging there after our fight.”
    “I had suggested you take the time off in order to give you, and hopefully Lash, space to reflect on all that has transpired.” Gabrielle glanced up at the mountain and then back to Jeremy. “And maybe resolve any feelings that may be...lingering.”
    Jeremy swallowed nervously at her innuendo. “I’m not sure what you mean.”
    Her voice was low and soft as she spoke. “You do realize you have a reputation for being a great poker player. Your skills would be useful in this situation, don’t you think?”
    He furrowed his brow. “I don’t understand.”
    Gabrielle sighed. “Although I abhor the game, I am quite skilled at maintaining what you call a poker face. I would say I’ve been quite successful at it.”
    Her face changed as if a mask was taken off, and the tough demeanor she was notorious for was replaced by a soft and vulnerable woman. “You have feelings for the girl. It was clear when you were by her bedside, waiting for her to awake. In fact, it was written all over your face the first time you saw her when you were on assignment with Deborah and Nathan.”
    “You saw that?”
    “Yes.” Her voice was soft.
    “Why? Why were you watching over me?”
    “Because I knew how you felt about her long ago when she was to become your wife. And I know feelings like that don’t disappear—even when memories are suppressed.”
    He took a step forward and gripped her arm. “What do you know? Tell me.” He needed to know more. Maybe if he knew what happened in his past, he could get rid of his growing feelings.
    She winced and looked down at his hand.
    “Sorry.” He dropped his hand. He was going too far. He needed to get himself under control.
    “It’s not my story to tell.” She rubbed the spot on her arm where he had grabbed her. “That is something Raphael wants to share with you, Lash, and Naomi. He is with Michael as we speak, seeking permission to disclose some of your past.”
    “Will we get our memories back?”
    “It’s unlikely. I’m sure Raphael has shared with you that the suppression of your memory is part of his punishment.”
    Jeremy nodded. While he was waiting by Naomi’s side for her to wake up, Raphael had told with him why he and Lash couldn’t remember their past. “It seems like a long time to be punished.”
    “It is not
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