Actions Speak Louder Read Online Free

Actions Speak Louder
Book: Actions Speak Louder Read Online Free
Author: Rika Lewis
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same shit, besides they know just what to do to keep our asses in check.
    “Yea, and what’s that I asked?”
    “Taking the pussy away from us my boy… taking the pussy away.” There ain’t no other woman on this earth that cane make me leave Arden man. That woman has my ass wrapped around her damn finger.
    “Yea, so does mine and I haven’t even gotten the pussy yet.” So what does that say about me?
    Oh but you will, Sullen loves you she’s ain’t going anywhere and her birthday is in two days then we can work on getting our women back. Then you can tell the board members to kiss our ass and fire them all.
    Evander was right, once I got the board members off my back my life would be a whole lot easier or so I hoped. I couldn’t wait to get deep inside Sullen, I knew how sweet she tasted and it would be fucking heaven once I was able to satisfy both our needs in the bedroom as well as out of it. I wanted Sullen barefoot and pregnant soon.  Hey, have talked to Arden today I asked?
    No, she won’t answer my calls.
    “Yea, same here I said, pissed.”  I’m going to shower and I’ll meet you at the club.
    Bet that… see you there bro Vander groaned as he stood up and stretched.
    I hung up and quickly dialed Sullen’s number again while walking to the shower but it went straight to voice mail again. Damn it! I hung up turned on the shower stepped under the spray quickly washed up then dressed and headed out to the club. I was tired as hell but since Sullen wasn’t home, I figured I might as well do something to keep my mind from going all caveman on Sullen for not answering her damn phone!
    Sullen had done this before but not to this extent damn it! It was unlike her not to call or text at least a few times a day. Before I left I pulled up the tracking device on her car and saw that she was at the hotel. What in the hell was she doing at a hotel? I looked at my watch damn it I was going to be late. I knew she was mad as hell but I’ll be damned if I let her stay at a hotel and not in my bed especially without letting me know. When I was done at the club tonight, I was hauling her sweet ass back home where she belonged.
    Chapter Five
    I pulled up to the club and as usual, the music was banging, and the place was live. Sullen and Arden would kick their ass if they really knew what kind of club Vander and I ran. Yes, we’re dominants, which was half the reason why I’d kept my hands off Sullen. I didn’t want her to know about what I was yet, let alone hurt her even more with my deep dark secrets. Before Sullen and I became official, I had indulged in a lot of sexual excursions. My uncles associate had turned Vander and I on to the bdsm lifestyle my first year in college. I’d dominated many women but never took one as a submissive. I hadn’t wanted to be tied down. Vander and I met Dizzle in New York during a business meeting that my uncle had asked us to attend with him. Afterwards we all had went out for drinks and somehow ended up at Dizzles BDSM club, soon after that Vander and I had ended up switching to a college in New York and worked at Dizzles club at night. Dizzle had taught us everything we need to know. Our parents had been pissed when they found out that we looked out for the women at the club while indulging in dark pleasures that my father liked to call Evil Sadism. Now, we mostly ran the club when Dizzle was out town, which was a lot, and step in to do demonstrations on occasions. Yea…Evander and I would eventually have to tell Sullen and Arden what we were doing eventually and pray that they wouldn’t kick their asses or worse… leave our sorry asses.
    I walked into the camera room and sat down in the chair next to Vander. He was watching a demonstration on camera six. “What the hell is Slade doing I asked, chuckling?”
    Vander yawned and said, doing a demonstration for some newbies. Blades is working
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