Uncensored Passion (Men of Passion) Read Online Free

Uncensored Passion (Men of Passion)
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relieve her tension: Luke massaged the kinks out of her neck, Lee rubbed her feet, Harm brought her a glass of wine, and J.J. took her hand and sucked her fingers gently. He sat beside her to ask, “What can I do to erase the memories of the day, amor ?”
    “You’re doing it. All of you,” she said, flashing them all a tired smile as she took a long swallow of the wine. “I don’t know what I’d do without you—any of you.”
    J.J. leaned to kiss her, before suggesting, “Why don’t we all relax in the Jacuzzi? Maybe that will wash away the lousy day.”
    “Great idea,” Harm echoed.
    “Dinner can wait,” Lee said. “It’s just leftover pot roast, anyway. Unless you’re hungry enough to eat right now.”
    Kayla shook her head. “No, I’m not. The Jacuzzi sounds great.”
    “Tell you what. Let us do everything tonight,” Luke suggested. “Undress you, position you in the Jacuzzi, give you a fresh glass of wine, then stand ready to offer whatever pleasure you desire to erase the day.”
    “Sounds wonderful,” Kayla said laughing. “I’m all yours, guys.”
    Luke disappeared through the patio doors to start the Jacuzzi while she allowed her other three men to undress her and then lead her to the inviting, bubbling, warm water.
    Kayla’s mind was reeling with the delicious feeling that she had the greatest life one woman could imagine as she settled in the Jacuzzi and watched her handsome partners disrobe, then join her in compatible silence.
    As always, Kayla marveled at how comfortable they all were with her and each other, the way a perfect marriage should be, but seldom was. In fact, as far as she knew from her patients and past experience with her parents, hers was the only such marriage in existence.
    Knowing it was Lee’s night, the others positioned themselves slightly apart, deferring to him the coveted place next to her. She leaned her head on his broad shoulder before tilting her head up to receive his passionate kiss.
    “Sorry that damned job takes such a toll on you, hon,” he said tenderly as he pulled away.
    “Some days are harder to get through than others. Lately I seem to resent them all, however. I’m thinking I must need a vacation.”
    “So why don’t you take one? We could all arrange to go away somewhere. Some exotic island maybe. Or you could just stay home and relax while we all take turns pleasuring you.”
    Kayla looked at him smiling, thinking, sweet Lee always makes things sound so simple and easy. Yet they never are.
    She had a full schedule for the next two months, appointments booked back to back. She didn’t say that because she never discussed business with them. She never wanted to, preferring to keep her men separate and secluded within the private confines of their home and also within her mind, her one safe haven where the intrusive outside world was prohibited to enter.
    “That sounds heavenly, but I’m afraid right now it’s out of the question.”
    “You work too hard, Kayla,” Harm said. “You don’t have to, you know?”
    The others nodded their agreement.
    “I know. Guess it’s ingrained in my DNA. Besides, as long as I have all of you to come home to, I can manage a few aggravating days at the office. Hell during the day, but heaven at night makes for one lucky broad.”
    “We’re the lucky ones. And you damned sure will always have us,” J.J. said with a grin.
    They left the Jacuzzi after an hour, dried each other off, and donned robes before eating a late dinner.
    Afterward, Kayla and Lee disappeared to her apartment. As soon as the door shut behind them, Lee picked her up and cradled her against his broad chest as though she were an injured child in need of comfort.
    “If you’re too tired to have sex tonight, hon, just tell me. I’ll just hold you, or rub your back or whatever you need me to do.”
    “I will never be too tired for you, Lee. I can’t tell you how much I’ve looked forward to being with you tonight.”
    He set her
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