Tempest in the Tea Leaves Read Online Free

Tempest in the Tea Leaves
Book: Tempest in the Tea Leaves Read Online Free
Author: Kari Lee Townsend
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    She swallowed loudly. “O-Okay.”
    “Good,” I said in encouragement. “Now close your eyes and breathe deep, letting your body relax from the top of your head down to your toes.”
    When she did as I told her, I closed my own eyes and breathed slow and deep until I went into a meditative trancelike state. About ten minutes into the process, I felt the librarian relax, and just like that, I knew which psychic tool would work best on her. It always happened that way for me.
    “Tea leaves.” I squeezed her hands and let go.
    “Excuse me?” Her eyelids fluttered open.
    “Certain psychic tools work better on certain people. You, my dear, are a tea leaf sort of girl.” I nodded once with conviction, then got up and went over to my supply shelf.
    “Are you sure?”
    “I’m positive.”
    “Because I need you to be accurate.”
    “Trust me. I’ve always had a gift of seeing into the future. I’ve simply found certain tools enhance my visions. I’ve never been wrong before.” I bypassed my crystal ball, tarot cards, pendulum, and astrology and palm reading charts and finally found my special batch of homegrown tea leaves.
    “My readings always come true. I admit I sometimes have trouble interpreting them. That’s something I’m working on. But in the end, the true meaning eventually reveals itself.” I returned to the table and set my supplies down. Right next to the lovely ancient china tea set I’d found in Vicky’s kitchen.
    “Ready to get started?” I asked.
    “More than you’ll ever know.” She exhaled heavily, and I couldn’t help wonder what could possibly be so bad.
    “Fabulous!” I tried to inject some positive energy into her gloomy mood. “First I need you to brew the tea.”
    “All right.” She glanced around. “Where are the tea bags?”
    “Oh, I never use tea bags.” I shook my head. “The bigger the tea leaf, the better the shape. I have my own special batch I put together right here.” I pushed the canister in front of her. “Place the loose tea leaves in this small white cup while I boil the water.”
    She did as I told her and when the whistle on my teakettle blew and steam billowed into the air, I brought the kettle over to the table and set it on a hot plate. “Now pour the water into the cup and stir the tea with a spoon as it brews.”
    Again she followed my instructions, and I watched carefully. I’d learned over the years that a skilled seer could interpret signs right from the start of the brewing process. For example, if any tea leaves spilled, it was a good sign.
    Unfortunately, everything stayed inside the cup.
    A sudden feeling of doom saturated me. Not good. I stifled the urge to groan and continued the ritual. She set her spoon on the saucer. “Whoops, I didn’t see you already had a spoon there. Sorry for dirtying a second one.”
    I breathed a sigh of relief. “Congratulations.”
    “About what?”
    “You’re having twins.”
    She gasped. “How’s that possible?”
    “Two spoons on the same saucer.” I squinted into the cup and then realized I’d spoken too soon. “Whoops, hang on a sec. It’s not twins I see, but”—I paused and swallowed a gasp—“twin tumors.” I bit my lip. So much for good news. “I’m so sorry.”
    She pursed her lips and lifted her chin a notch. “I’m fine, and I trust you’ll keep this confidential. The doctor is the only one who knows, and miracles happen every day. Let’s continue, shall we?”
    “I won’t say anything,” I said, hating this part of my job. I cleared my throat. “Okay, then. Drink the unstrained tea and think about exactly what it is you wish to know. When you only have a teaspoon of liquid left, stop.”
    She sipped the tea. “Wow, this is surprisingly delicious.”
    “Thanks”— I think —“but focus. Concentrate on nothing else except what you want to know.”
    I continued to watch, her brow furrowing as she drained most of the cup. “Now what?”
    “Hold the cup in
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