My lucky Strike Read Online Free

My lucky Strike
Book: My lucky Strike Read Online Free
Author: Claudia Burgoa
Tags: Romance, shortstory, newadult, comingofage, knights tales
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    Ellen McPhee pestered me all night during
K&W Christmas party. The woman was attractive, petite, and
blond with big breasts, any man’s dream. But I wasn’t in the mood
today, until she wore me down— I’m human . I agreed to meet
her upstairs, even though my little brother hated when I hooked up
with his employees. Because that became a hassle for him.
    ‘“ Mr. Knight,” he didn’t call me, ’ was
the most common complaint.
    Taking a last gulp of champagne, I headed to
the elevators. My hand met a delicate set of fingers touching the
same up-button. I looked down, noticing a pair of silver high
heels, with pretty toes matching the burnt orange color of the hand
nails I spotted seconds ago. My gaze began to travel up her body,
noticing a pair of long beautiful legs, then a black dress hugging
her tight. Backless, my lower body noticed. My brain stopped my
hand from reaching her bare skin. With her back toward me, I
couldn’t see her face. However I got to admire her fine backside,
which included a messy up-do holding her hair with loose curls
around, covering some spots of her sexy long neck. My body wanted
to exchange the previous date with the blond and go with this hot
number instead.
    Though I tamed it. The bell of the elevator
made her turn my way, finally connecting her gaze with mine for a
moment. As if I was invisible, she headed inside the elevator. A
flowery whiff trapped me and pulled me toward her, feeling like one
of Pavlov's dogs ready to get his treat. She pushed number five,
while I pushed seven. First floor, now the second and the elevator
car shook a couple of times coming to a halt. The lights went off
and the emergency ones kicked in. My two options were to check the
elevator and try to fix it, or take the opportunity to know Miss
Pretty face and Hot Body. The latter excited me, but before I could
give her one of my signature lines, she talked.
    “Oh no, no. This is not a good thing,” she
said. Her startled voice matched her face perfectly, frightened but
pretty. Those light brown eyes opened wide. I smiled, but instead
of returning it, she narrowed her eyes and continued babbling. “You
should worry about this, be afraid.” Her hands fidgeted with the
fabric of her dress. “Have you heard of claustrophobia?”
    I nodded, debating if I should fix the
elevator or let her continue with her rant in hopes that we’d end
up in her bed—or mine. Ellen who ?
    “Well I invented it.” She scratched the tip
of her tiny nose and wrinkled it. “Others stole it from me. Let’s
see, who’s in charge of New York, Thor, Captain America…. Don’t
look at me like that.” Hands on her hips, she stared at me. “We
need a superhero to save the day. Because soon the excess sweat
will start, followed by a full blown panic attack. You still think
this is funny?”
    “I used to be a hero.” I stood straight up
and puffed my chest like superman. But her frown made me chuckle
and couldn’t keep up with the charade. The girl was funny and had a
spark, even while there was plenty of panic in those eyes. “May I
offer my services; I think I can take care of the bad guys.”
    “And the metal box of doom?” A ghostly smile
showed up in her face. Her pouty lips begged for a kiss―I
abstained. The terrain wasn’t secure yet for her to be taken and
mauled— down boy . She sized me up and down, shook her head
and laughed―a full blown belly laugh.
    “What are your qualifications?”
    What? I mouthed and touched my heart
with both hands feigning hurt.
    “Yeah, I can’t accept those services without
knowing beforehand that you’ve really done this kind of job.”
Tilting her head to both sides, she continued. “You certainly
aren’t scrawny, but it’s hard to confirm with the tux.” Pretty girl
gave me an up and down eye glance. “Looks deceive, you could have
been using a double during duty and I would never know.”
    “Now the real question is, why the change of
careers?” She
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