Harley's Choice Read Online Free

Harley's Choice
Book: Harley's Choice Read Online Free
Author: Shaelin Ferra
Tags: guns and sex
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grille/bar within walking
distance. Sounded good to me. I applied some light make up and ran
the brush through my now straight hair one last time and turned to
get dressed.
    I slid the jeans on, and did the little jump
that helps everything get where it needs to be. The jean fad of
today is wonderful, but the ‘skinny jean’ thing drives me nuts.
These, unfortunately were straight leg skinnies and it always takes
a bit for things to settle – but damn they make my ass look
    I slipped on bright blue heels that had
beaded skulls all over them and slid on a tee shirt that had Alice
drinking from the bottle that makes her grow, I loved that story as
a child, but now I often wonder what was in the bottle and
    I grabbed my purse, it was my absolute
favorite. It was a messenger bag that said ‘Karma’ on the flap, but
what I love most about it was that it could be worn as a backpack
if desired. I love it! If I decide to run, alright needed to run
from something, I can quickly change it into a backpack and it’s
not slapping my thigh.
    I’ve had it customized though, inside the
flap are three slots that fit my throwing knives and on the back
I’ve added a pocket that fits my Glock 27 and an extra
    I may be a killer, but I’m a lady killer and dammit I make it look good!
gathered everything and finally slid the hotel key into my back
pocket and made my way out of the hotel.

Chapter two:
    As I walked down the sidewalk the way the
concierge directed me the smells and sights of L.A. flooded me and
I felt good, not as good as realizing you’ve committed the perfect
crime, but close. There is definitely a different life style here
as opposed to Phoenix. Here like New York you can walk down the
street and be assaulted by smells, sounds and life, in Phoenix, one
doesn’t walk hardly anywhere, downtown near the Civic Center or the
stadiums or even on Mill you can find life like this, everywhere
else is sparse, with people preferring to drive than walk.
    I found the bar and it was nice little brick
building that didn’t look too busy. I opened the door and realized
I was immensely wrong about it not being busy. I was about to turn
around when a waitress skirted too close to the door and the triple
decker burger on her tray caught my hunger and dragged it along
with her.
    I walked through the crowded front portion
and found a seat at an empty table against the wall so I could look
out into the room and no one was going to walk behind me. I was
watching people come and go and a lot of people seemed to gravitate
towards one table. I couldn’t quite see what the commotion was
about but there was a lot of flashing of cameras. Finally the
waitress came to my table. “Hey, sorry about the wait, what can I
get you?”
    “Let’s go with a beer and one of those
triple things floating around here.”
    “Oh you mean the triple trouble?”
    “If it’s that burger that brought me in here
then yes.”
    “Ok let me go put in your order and I’ll be
back with your beer.”
    “Thanks.” She was jostled as she tried to
leave my table and I realized why no one was sitting back here.
Whoever was sitting down the way was causing such a huge stink that
people were crowding up almost the entire back wall. When she
finally made her way back to me I asked. “What’s going on?” and I
pointed down the wall.
    “Oh, some famous author and his
    “Who is it?" I asked now with my own
interest piqued, I love reading.
    It worked because she looked at me and said.
“The word is its Kyle Mallory.”
    “Oh my, I think I may join the mob," she
looked at me like I grew a second head, "Kyle Mallory writes
fantastic mystery novels. I have every single one of them in hard
back and a copy on my e-reader."
    She smiled and nodded, "I read more romance
novels than mystery."
    "Well you should really give them a try,
there's romance in them too." Well more like dirty sex scenes but
let her discover that for
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